Sprint 2 - week 1

Good evening,

We have started our second sprint, the goal is to have all features in the game by the end of it. At the end of this sprint we'll feature lock the game and go into polish.

On the art side we started on painting the assets and creating the particle effects.


first up, the bomb explosion!


Our spooky boi finally got the fashion that he deserves. All suited up and face painted for the big occasion. We wanted to be able to color swap out player character to distinguish the from one another. For this we made a mask of the hat, the suit and the pants that we can place a new color over in game based on what player your are.

The bomb and the rocket also got their color treatment! After the texturing process the piñata affect was really sold on us with the pieces of paper nicely popping out now. We made sure that the spiky pieces of metal contrasted strongly with the paper pieces.

As for the ofrenda statue, that's still a work in progress. We will keep you guys posted when it is finished. In the meantime can you guys help us decide on this one question: moss or no moss?  We're still wondering if the moss fits our artstyle nicely. What do you guys think?

We also started working on our tileable textures for the ground and vegetation. Also here the contrast between the soft grass and the harder and more defined rocks makes for a nice and readable view.

As for the programmers we:

1. Implemented the animations so they'd play when appropriate

2. Made sure players could see their "Ready" state before a match starts

3. Made sure that the bomb homes towards the tagged player at the end of each round

4. Modified how the bomb flickering logic works, so we can easily configure it during polish

5. Implemented a basic UI for the players' lives.

Most of these will be polished during the last sprint. The reason we're putting it in now, and not later, is because during the last sprint we'll enforce a "feature-lock". This basically means that no new game features will be added and only what already exists will get improved or reworked.

That's all for this week, thank you for reading!

- Group 9


BombTag V1.2.2 40 MB
May 02, 2023

Get BoomBastic: Calavera Carnaval

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